30 March 2017

Jamboree 2017 Speaker Spotlight: Angie Bush, MS

Angie Bush, MS, is the Region 1 Director for the National Genealogical Society and the chair of the Genetic Genealogy committee. Her day job is as Genetic Genealogist Researcher with Ancestry ProGenealogists in Salt Lake City. Although she spends a lot of time working on recent unknown parentage cases (adoptions, unknown fathers), her favorite type of research involves solving decades-old “brick-walls” using a combination of traditional records and genetic evidence. Angie is a Utah native and lives with her husband and two descendants in Sandy, Utah.

FR028 DNA and Genealogy: Experts Discuss Latest Developments (Panel)

48th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree
Genetic Genealogy 2017
#SCGS2017 @scgsgenealogy.com

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