31 May 2016

Jamboree 2016: Pink Sheets Are Here!

Can you feel the excitement?

It's almost time!

The BLUE and PINK SHEETS for Genetic Genealogy 2016 and Jamboree are ready for download online and on the Jamboree App. 

We promise, when you get to Jamboree they will be blue and pink. For now, please join the Jamboree Committee in donning some rose colored glasses and imagining world peace and pink and blue sheets.

If you haven't downloaded the app yet, read this blog post for all the info and links.

Click here to download the Blue Sheets for Genetic Genealogy 2016 on Thursday, June 2.

Click here to download the Pink Sheets for Jamboree, Friday-Sunday, June 3-5.

We will have copies available at the Marriott. If you just can't wait, you can print out in advance on legal size paper.

See you soon!

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