19 April 2021

Monday Meet The Speakers - Jamboree 2021

Franchesca Werden 

Franchesca Werden is the Media Director for the DNA Doe Project and serves as the Vice President of the Board for the organization. She is a professional genealogist with specialties in Italian genealogical research and forensic genealogy. She is on the teaching team for both of the Boston University courses in Genealogy Studies. She has been involved with the DNA Doe Project since shortly after the organization’s inception in 2017. To date, the DNA Doe Project has solved over forty cases. 


Paula Williams 

Paula Williams specializes in southern US research and using DNA to solve genealogical problems. She's studied at GRIP, SLIG, IGHR, and the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed). She has taught DNA courses at IGHR and GRIP. She's a board member for the Virginia Genealogical Society and for the Genealogical Research Institute of Virginia (GRIVA), leading the latter's DNA Special Interest Group. 


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