16 March 2017

Jamboree 2017 Speaker Spotlight: Kristin Rand, PhD

Kristin Rand, Ph.D., joined the AncestryDNA team in November of 2015. She is an epidemiologist who specializes in understanding how genetics are associated with demographic patterns. Prior to joining AncestryDNA, Dr. Rand’s work focused on the contribution of genetic variation to multiple myeloma and prostate cancer risk in individuals of European and African ancestry, as well as providing insight into the genetic basis for the observed racial/ethnic disparity in incidence observed for both diseases. Dr. Rand holds a Ph.D. in Epidemiology from the University of Southern California.

SA029 How DNA Testing Works: The Science Behind Your DNA Results

Southern California Genealogical Society
48th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree
Genetic Genealogy 2017
#SCGS2017 @scgsgenealogy.com

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