23 March 2017

Jamboree 2017: Researching Armenian and The Caucasus

Jamboree 2017 is proud to offer a full conference track tailored for Armenian Genealogical Research at the 48th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree and the Genetic Genealogy 2017 Conferences.

Speakers including Lisa Alzo, MFA; Camille Andrus; Schelly Talalay Dardashti; Alice M. Fairhurst, MA; Marilyn Honda; Dawn Anahid MacKeen; Elena Semerdjian, and Jane Neff Rollins will present on a variety of specialized topics designed to assist researchers to overcome brick walls, trace elusive African American ancestors, and much more.

In addition to the class sessions, genealogical societies, exhibitors, and vendors with Armenian and Eastern European will be on hand in the exhibit hall to answer your questions and help guide you on your path to research. The Exhibit Hall is FREE throughout the weekend.

Early bird discount available through April 22, 2017    
Discounts are available for SCGS members and those attending both conferences 

 Not yet a member?  Join today!

Share the news! Download our flyer today and share with friends, family, and your favorite genealogy groups.  
Southern California Genealogical Society
48th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree
Genetic Genealogy 2017
#SCGS2017 @scgsgenealogy.com

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