He has been a genealogist since the age of ten; has designed, edited, and published books and magazines since 1987; and has designed and published websites since 1995. He has published poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and works in translation in numerous magazines and is the author of two books of poetry, which include poems on genealogical subjects: Sand & Coal and The Wheel.
He has worked in the fields of technical writing and software development and is currently a Senior Manager of Information Technology at Cisco Systems, Inc.
He is the President of the National Genealogical Society. Additionally, he is the webmaster for the North Carolina Chapter APG and is on the board of directors of the North Carolina Genealogical Society. He has spoken at several regional, statewide, and national conferences in the fields of technology and genealogy, and writes a column on technology for NGS Magazine. In 2012, he received the Walter Lee Sheppard Jr. Prize, bestowed annually upon genealogists who demonstrate sound practices and exceptional potential. He lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with his wife and stepson.
FR015 Friday June 6, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Evernote for Genealogists
This session will demonstrate the use of Evernote, a cloud-based note filing system, for genealogical research planning, logging, and the storage and retrieval of images, PDFs, and web content.
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