15 April 2014

Jamboree - Update on Flashback to the 1960s

As you may remember, one of our advance Jamboree activities is to gather personal recollections of the 1960s. We have already received a number of entries -- poignant, funny, sweet and in some ways very familiar. They are all online on the Jamboree website. Take a few moments now to read them, and then write your own reminiscences. One entry will be selected at random at noon on Friday, June 6, and the winner will be announced at the banquet. The winner will receive a free registration to the 2015 Southern California Genealogy Jamboree.

I want to feature one of the most creative submissions we've received, sent in by Barb Schwerman Groth of Pinedale, Wyoming. Click on the image below to see a larger version.

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