17 April 2015

Jamboree 2015 - Meet the Speaker: Pamela Weisberger

Pamela Weisberger is a professional genealogist and international speaker, having given presentations throughout the U.S. and Australia, Poland, Canada, Ukraine, England, Italy and Israel. She is also the first vice-president of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Los Angeles and President of Gesher Galicia, a research group focusing on the former Austrian province of Galicia. She has researched for the television show Finding Our Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and works extensively in overseas archives. She created the Galician Archival Records Project and Cadastral Map Room and has a special interest in historical newspapers, innovative methodology, "archaeological genealogy," and solving family mysteries. She holds a B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis and an M.S. from Boston University.

SU010 Sunday June 7, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Cartography for Genealogists: Mapping Time and Generations 
Join us at the intersection of cartography and genealogy where your ancestors' footsteps are etched in antique snapshots. Learn how to navigate UCLA's Hypercities, Gesher Galicia's Cadastral Map Room, David Rumsey's Second Life and History Geo's land-grant maps and explore the cultural and genealogical/geographical layers of your ancestral towns.

SU020 Sunday June 7, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Jewish Geography/Jewish Genealogy: Exploring Your Jewish Roots 
Are you curious about your Jewish Roots? Most research can be done online! Learn how to identify towns-of-origins, analyze passenger records, and access archival databases to trace Jewish ancestry. We'll use census, vital and naturalization records to find clues of origin, leading to online documents from overseas repositories.

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