12 April 2015

Jamboree 2015 - Meet the Speaker: J.H. "Jay" Fonkert, CG

J.H. "Jay" Fonkert is a board-certified genealogical researcher, writer and educator who focuses on Midwest, Dutch and English genealogy. His favorite research topics are the Fawkners of early Kentucky and Indiana, and the Tidballs of Southwest England.

He has been a ProGen mentor, a community education instructor, and a faculty member for the Minnesota Genealogical Society's (MGS) Intermediate Genealogy Course, and has lectured and taught at the Salt Lake Genealogy Institute (SLIG) in 2013, 2014, and 2015.  He has lectured at NGS and FGS conferences, and for genealogy societies in Arizona, California, Iowa, Kentucky, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ontario, Washington, and Wisconsin.

Jay is the managing editor of the Minnesota Genealogist.  He has published two case studies in the NGSQ Quarterly, as well as more than 30 research and teaching articles in APG Quarterly, The Septs, Minnesota Genealogist, Family Chronicle, and NGS Magazine.

Jay is a director of the Association of Professional Genealogists, a trustee of the BCG Education Fund, and a past president of the Minnesota Genealogical Society.

TH-C Thursday June 4,  2:15 - 4:15  p.m. 
Who in the World was Hjalmar? A Hands-on Problem-Solving Workshop 
From a starting set of documents, work in small groups in this hands-on workshop to identify key clues and develop a strategy for finding the information necessary to resolve conflicting evidence.
2 hour workshop.  Additional registration and fees apply.  Limited to 40 attendees.

FR018 Friday June 5,  2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Five Tips for Successful Research in a New Location 
When tackling a new locale, get to know the geography, the local history, the record-keeping jurisdictions, the range of available records, and the researchers who know their way around town.

FR030 Friday June 5,  5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
GeoGenealogy: Finding and Interpreting Where Your Ancestors Lived 
Learn to interpret maps, use online gazetteers to find obscure locations, and pin-down immigrant origins. Examples from the United States, England, Germany, and Italy will demonstrate GeoGenealogy.

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