11 April 2015

Jamboree 2015 - Meet the Speaker: Brian Peterson, Sr.

Brian Peterson graduated in 1996 with a bachelor's degree in Social-Psychology and then with a Master's degree in 1998 in Organizational Management.  Brian has spent the last 10 years at Ancestry working primarily as a content acquisition and relationship manager with state and local governments, historical societies, and libraries to form collaborative relationships for the digitization, indexing, posting, and making searchable via the Internet, historic documents and records for family historians to use for their research and discoveries.  He also spent a little time as a product manager working to enhance site features and usability.  He loves what he does and is looking forward to the next 10 years of document discoveries.

SA006 Saturday June 6, 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
Hurricanes, Fires, and Floods: How We Save Your Ancestors from Disaster and Disappearance
Thousands of archives and repositories around the world hold the many records that comprise the collective written story of the past, the documents of our existence.  It is largely through these records that individuals are able to discover and tell the story of their ancestors.  Many of them are fragile, unpreserved, and every year some are lost to mold, accidents, and other disasters.  How do these records get from the dark corners of the archives to the computer, tablet, and cell phone screens of our convenience?  Core to Ancestry's mission is to make available and easily searchable, as many of these crucial, storytelling documents and records as possible.  Ancestry spends tens of millions each year to help in the preservation and access of records on the National, State, and Local level.

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