Jamboree combines 55 speakers, over 60 exhibitors, 134 class sessions for a variety of experience levels, and special events to create an exceptional event. Banquet speakers John P. Colletta, PhD, FUGA and Katherine York, archivist for the multimillion-dollar personal collection of '60s rock impresario Bill Graham of Fillmore fame, will entertain and instruct us.
Jamboree will be the culmination of a year-long celebration of the Society's 50th Anniversary, and special activities will commemorate the Decade of the 60s. Dust off your tie dye tees and pillbox hats and take part in our Sunday noon "fashion show." Winner by popular vote will receive a free registration to the 2015 Jamboree.
Following on the heels of last year's very successful event, we will again hold Family History and DNA: Genetic Genealogy in 2014. The conference will be produced by the Southern California Genealogical Society and sponsored jointly by SCGS and the International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG). Family History and DNA will be held Thursday, June 5, at the Los Angeles Marriott Burbank.
Keynote speaker Dr. Maurice Gleeson is by profession a psychiatrist and pharmaceutical physician. He is also a professional actor and has appeared on the West End stage in London. Maurice is co-administrator of the Ireland mitochondrial DNA project. He has given talks on genetic genealogy at the ‘Back to Our Past’ exhibition in Dublin (2012 & 2013) and also at the National Library of Ireland (Dublin), The National Archives in Kew (London), and at various regional and local meetings. His presentation will be of interest to Irish researchers in general, as well as those who are DNA users: "How DNA will Change the Face of Irish Genealogy."
Other speakers at Family History and DNA include many of the leaders of the genetic genealogical community: Blaine Bettinger, JD; Judy G. Russell, JD, CG; CeCe Moore; Tim Janzen, MD; Diahan Southard; Alice Fairhurst; Cheri Mello; Katherine Borges; Bonny Cook; and Dr. Kathryn Johnston.
Special pricing for 2014 gives a discount to those who register for both Jamboree and the Family History and DNA conference. In addition, DNA conference registration prices have been reduced to make the information available to a wider audience.
The best way to keep in touch with Jamboree and the DNA conference is to subscribe to the Jamboree blog, either through RSS feed or by updates sent directly to your email.
Family History and DNA: Genetic Genealogy in 2014
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Southern California Genealogy Jamboree
Friday through Sunday, June 6 through 8, 2014
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