14 March 2013

Genealogy Jamboree Speakers - Lisa A. Alzo

Lisa A. Alzo is a freelance writer, instructor, and lecturer with over 22 years experience in the field of genealogy. She earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in Nonfiction Writing from the University of Pittsburgh, and is the author of nine books, including Finding Your Slovak Ancestors, Writing Your Family History Book, and the award-winning Three Slovak Women. Lisa has written hundreds of articles and her work has appeared in Family Tree Magazine, Family Chronicle, Internet Genealogy, and APG Quarterly among others. An internationally recognized speaker, Lisa writes the “The Accidental Genealogist” blog. For more information see www.lisaalzo.com

Saturday  10:00-11:00am          
SA016  Make Those Skeletons Dance: Exploring Your Family’s Dark Side
How well do you really know your ancestors? Most of us want to believe our ancestors were hard-working, noble, or “salt-of-the-earth” types. We want to like them, and even brag about them. However, the reality is that if we go back far enough, we all can dig up a few proverbial “skeletons in the closet.” The horse thief, the philanderer, the murderer! Oh my! Genealogy is one of the most unpredictable activities you’ll undertake, and when you start digging into your family’s past, “You never know what you're gonna get.” If you suspect a few black sheep lurking in your family tree, this session will show you how to hunt them down, bust through the speculation, and tell the real story.

Saturday  2:00-3:00pm                      
SA031 Best Online Resources for Eastern European Research
Learn about the latest online databases and websites for tracing your Eastern European ancestors.

Sunday 1:00-2:00pm                         
SU025 The Write Stuff: Using Nonfiction Writing Techniques to Write a Better Family History
As genealogists we often focus on facts and uncover so much information that our research produces nothing but boring lists. But do you really know what happened between the dashes of your ancestors’ lives? How can you share that information in a compelling and interesting way? This session will discuss how to using nonfiction writing techniques to produce a “can’t put down” family history that will keep the pages turning for generations

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