27 April 2012

Jamboree - Wanted: Research Assistance Consultants

Do you have some expertise that might help someone break through a brick wall? If so, please consider signing up as a consultant in the Research Assistance room at Jamboree. The Research Assistance activity is sponsored by the Southern Calif. Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists. 
  • Important note: you need not be certified, accredited, be a member of APG, or any other specific organization to assist people - just a desire to help is all that is required.
To do this, simply go to the home page of the sponsoring group (www.sccapg.org) and sign up in one or more of the available slots. Once you, as an assistant/consultant, have signed up, a spot for the person needing your help will open up. 

Consultant slots are listed in half-hour increments but we ask that you limit your consulting time to 20-25 minutes in order for people to move out and in. 

As a consultant, you will also receive prior notice of the people who have signed up for your slots so, if you choose, you may contact them in advance (this is completely up to you, however). 

Please note: you need not be certified, accredited, be a member of APG, or any other specific organization to assist people - just a desire to help is all that is required. 

Thank you for donating your time. Who knows, you may end up with a client or two from the experience.

 Questions/concerns: Jean Wilcox Hibben, SCCAPG president,

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