01 June 2012

Jamboree: Research Assistance

Guest Post by Jean Wilcox Hibben, PhD, MA, CG(sm)

Is it possible that we are down to counting DAYS instead of WEEKS before the 2012 Jamboree? Are you ready to hobnob with the Stars of Family History? One place for some serious hobnobbing is the Research Assistance room. This year the consultants will be able to assist folks in finding the hard-to-locate ancestors in a more private area than last year. But it is still convenient to conference goers as it is between the hotel and the convention center, in the "High-Tech Highway."

While many consultant “spots” are already reserved, there will also be the option of getting “walk-in” help. Sign up for a consultant’s services at the room. Many of the volunteers for the Research Assistance program will be sporting buttons inviting you to ask about the help offered . . . please don’t be shy in asking for directions, suggestions, etc. And if you don’t see a helper, check at the Southern California Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists (SCCAPG) table for directions.

SCCAPG, in conjunction with SCGS, is sponsoring the Research Assistance this year and would love to be instrumental in helping you cut through a knot in your family tree. Remember, it is easiest for that to be accomplished if you bring along your pedigree chart(s) and family group sheets.

We are also still looking for folks who are willing to donate time to help others in the tree pruning experience; there is no need for assistants to have credentials or degrees in the field to give a little help. While assistants do not need to be registered for the Jamboree, those seeking help must be. The registration period has ended but walk-ins are welcome.

OK, tree pruners, get out your chain saws!

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