27 August 2022

Jamboree Recordings Available Until October 31st!


We hope that you have enjoyed our Genetic Genealogy and Genealogy Jamboree Keynote Speakers; our sponsored talks by MyHeritage DNAFamily Tree DNALiving DNAMyHeritageFamilySearchArkivDigital, and more; our LIVE Q&A Saturday Sessions; our Social Hours; our Round Table live discussions; our JamboExpo exhibit hall; our Scavenger Hunt; and any of our Recorded Library Sessions by world class speakers, that you have watched thus far!  

Remember, you can view any of your Recorded Library Sessions or rewatch the live sessions (that have now been recorded) again, until October 31, 2022!

Please, please don't forget to evaluate each presentation you watch! You can find this under the presentation that you are watching.

Don't forget to check tomorrow's blog to see the final prize winners posted!


Have you visited the JamboExpo yet? Most will close today, but a few will be available till August 30th, so make sure you visit before they close! 

You still have time to register, to watch recorded sessions, until October 1st!


Southern California Genealogical Society 



#SCGS2022@scgsgenealogy, #SCGSJamboree, 


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