17 March 2021

Researching European Genealogy?



European Genealogy  

Jamboree 2021

Genetic Genealogy and Genealogy
Two Events to Help Grow Your Family Tree!

Jamboree's 51st and 1st virtual conference is excited to offer a full conference track tailored for researching European Genealogy. These Jamboree lectures providing everyone with the opportunity to learn something new, regardless of their level. The speakers will include Lisa A. Alzo, David Dowell, PhD, Daniel A. Earl, Ellen Shindelman Kowitt, Jill Morelli, CG®, Beth A. Stahr, MLS, CG®, Rick Crume, Debra M. Dudek, MSc, Suzanne E. Greco, Kathy Meade, Jannette Silverman and many more. They will present on a variety of specialized topics to assist researchers in overcome brick walls, trace elusive ancestors, and much more! 

Early Bird Discount Ends April 26, 2021!
To register, click to open 

Download our Flyer today and share with friends, and your favorite genealogy group by clicking open! 

Southern California Genealogical Society 
#SCGS2021@scgsgenealogy, #SCGSJamboree, 

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