01 March 2021

Monday Meet The Speakers - Jamboree 2021


Mark A. Cross, MFA 
Mark Cross became interested in genealogy at the age of 12 when he read an unpublished family tree by a distant relative. This included an ancestor's transcribed letter about fighting for the Union in the Civil War. Mark discovered a link to a Mayflower passenger and a Revolutionary War Patriot and is very active in the Sons of the American Revolution. 


Rick Crume 

A contributing editor for Family Tree Magazine, Rick Crume has also written for Family Chronicle, Internet Genealogy, Discovering Family History, the National Genealogical Society’s NewsMagazine and the Minnesota Genealogist, as well as genealogical journals in Canada and Great Britain. He specializes in online research, genealogy software and British genealogy. 


Ross E. Curtis, PhD 

Ross Curtis, Ph.D., joined the AncestryDNA team in January of 2012. He is a computational biologist specializing in genetics and visual analytics and loves applying his expertise to family history. 


Schelly Talalay Dardashti 

Journalist and genealogist Schelly Talalay Dardashti, the US Genealogy Advisor for MyHeritage, has traced her family across Spain, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania and Iran for some 30 years. The former Jerusalem Post genealogy columnist and award-winning pioneer Jewish geneablogger created “Tracing the Tribe – Jewish Genealogy on Facebook" (36,000+ members in 101 countries), and has written for FamilyTree Magazine, NGS Quarterly, JTA and others. She co-administers two DNA projects at FTDNA. 


Southern California Genealogical Society 
50th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree 
#SCGS2021@scgsgenealogy, #SCGSJamboree, 

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