22 February 2021

Monday Meet The Speakers - Jamboree 2021


Andrew Lee 
Family History Fanatics 

Andrew Lee has been researching family history for more than 30 years. As a member of Toastmaster’s International, he has won several storytelling contests. He has presented to professional organizations, university classes, genealogy societies, family history conferences, and Boy Scout organizations throughout the US and Canada about DNA, writing and using tools to enhance genealogy sharing. Andy graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in mechanical engineering. 


Devon Noel Lee 
Family History Fanatics 

Devon Noel Lee helps individuals strengthen their future by connecting to the past in meaningful and fun ways. She's the owner of Family History Fanatics, a genealogy education company that coordinates virtual learning events and is a popular YouTube channel. With a journalist's heart, Devon seeks out the story behind her living and deceased relatives. 


Dana Leeds 
Dana Leeds Genealogy, LLC 

Dana Leeds is known for her innovative genetic genealogy tool, the Leeds Method. This method quickly sorts DNA matches into clusters allowing the user to see which matches belong together. The process helps identify matches, find close biological family, and break through brick walls. Dana enjoys taking the mystery out of DNA by putting powerful, user-friendly tools into the hands of genealogists. 


Janice Lovelace, PhD 

Janice Lovelace, PhD (psychology), has 30+ years of experience in genealogical research, as well as completing academic work in the area (certificate program in genealogy at Boston University). She has presented nationally and regionally on women’s and ethnic minority genealogy, research methodology and health issues. 


Southern California Genealogical Society 
#SCGS2021@scgsgenealogy, #SCGSJamboree, 

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