15 February 2021

Monday Meet The Speakers - Jamboree 2021

Tim Janzen, MD 

Tim Janzen is a medical doctor in Portland, Oregon. For the past 12 years he has been using DNA analysis to help complement traditional genealogical research. Glenn Penner and he are the co-administrators of the Mennonite DNA project at www.mennonitedna.com. Tim has a strong interest in many areas of genetic genealogy, particularly in regard to phasing and autosomal DNA analysis. Dr. Janzen speaks frequently on this topic. 


Mckell Keeney 

Mckell Keeney is an upbeat storyteller who loves to teach various ways to use DNA results. She has a passion for genetic genealogy and as a volunteer search angel uses DNA to reunite families, solve life-long mysteries and uncover genealogical treasures. Founder of the Phoenix East Valley DNA Interest Group in Arizona. Find her favorite DNA case studies at DNAbreakthroughs.com. 


Ellen Shindelman Kowitt 

Ellen Shindelman Kowitt is Director of JewishGen’s U.S. Research Division and National Vice Chair of the DAR Lineage Committee Jewish Task Force. She is past president of JGS Colorado and JGS Greater Washington DC, has served on the IAJGS board of directors, and been recipient of IAJGS Program and Stern Awards. Ellen publishes articles in Avotaynu: The International Journal on Jewish Genealogy and Family Tree Magazine. Ellen is a member of the CO APG. More info at www.EllenKowitt.com. 


Leah Larkin, PhD 
The DNA Geek 

Leah Larkin earned a PhD from The University of Texas in Austin for research using DNA to study species relationships. Adapting that scientific skill set to genetic genealogy has become a passion. She focuses on general education in the field, new methods for unknown parentage searches and—as a Louisiana Cajun—best practices for working with endogamous groups. She is an editor emeritus of the Journal of Genetic Genealogy and blogs at theDNAgeek.com. 


Southern California Genealogical Society 
#SCGS2021@scgsgenealogy, #SCGSJamboree, 

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