04 January 2021

Monday Meet The Speakers - Jamboree 2021

Lisa Louise Cooke 
Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems 

Lisa Louise Cooke is the producer and host of the Genealogy Gems Podcast and the weekly YouTube show "Elevenses with Lisa" (both available at her website www.GenealogyGems.com.) She’s the author of five books including the best-selling Genealogist’s Google Toolbox 3rd Edition, and a podcast producer, instructor and columnist for Family Tree Magazine. 

Kitty Munson Cooper 

Kitty Munson Cooper is a well-known blogger on genetics and genealogy. Her blog, which gets several thousand hits a day, includes numerous basic pictorial tutorials about using your DNA results and DNA tools to help with your DNA matches. 


Linda J. Corupe, UE 

Linda Corupe, UE, the publisher of over 50 books on Ontario genealogy and history, has over 40 years of experience in researching, and her name is on the list of suggested researchers at the Ontario Archives. She has compiled and self-published books which chronicle life in all districts of early Upper Canada, including annotated transcriptions of the Assize Court and Heir and Devisee records. She is a member of the Ontario Genealogical Society and the United Empire Loyalist Association. 

Crista Cowan 
Crista Cowan has been employed by Ancestry since 2004. Her involvement in family history reaches all the way back to childhood. From being parked under a microfilm reader at the Family History Library in her baby carrier to her current career as a professional genealogist, Crista has spent thousands of hours discovering, documenting and telling family stories. She is known as the Barefoot Genealogist and has a YouTube show designed to help people discover their family history. 

Southern California Genealogical Society 
#SCGS2021@scgsgenealogy, #SCGSJamboree, 

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