03 June 2019

The Future of the Southern California Jamboree

The Southern California Genealogy Jamboree has never shied away from change. 
Jamboree started 50 years ago as a one-day single room exhibitor show. Today, the Jamboree brand has evolved to offer:
  • Three conferences over four days – Genetic Genealogy, Genealogy Jamboree and JamboFree – with over 120 classes, nationally and internationally known speakers, and major exhibitors.
  • Twenty-two annual webinars free at broadcast, and available on-demand for SCGS members.
  • A website, online services, digital communications and marketing to a worldwide network of genealogical and historical societies.

Jamboree loves to innovate. 
Jamboree was the first genealogy conference to offer a whole day dedicated to genetic genealogy and the first to offer a mobile app. It is still the only single Society-sponsored genealogy conference to be all-volunteer created and run.

It’s time to leap forward. 
Genealogists are constantly evolving with technology. Today many enjoy educational opportunities through online webinars and virtual conferences. As a result, traditional in-person conferences, like Jamboree, are impacted as they compete for resources, speakers and genealogy dollars. The time has come for SCGS and Jamboree to take a leap forward and reinvent. The new Jamboree is under construction and plans to return in June 2021.

What you can do? 
Add your voice. Tell SCGS what you want in a conference. Take the survey coming out later this summer and make your mark on creating the next Jamboree.

Join us in 2021. 
What can you expect? An outstanding educational conference in the form you want and at a reasonable price. SCGS has always structured Jamboree to be what members, attendees and volunteers want. As always, we promise to create a fun and friendly learning environment for serious genealogists.

Thank you for 50 years of support for Genealogy Jamboree, and for your continued support as we leap forward to the future of Jamboree in 2021.

Alice M. Fairhurst
SCGS President
Jamboree 2019 Co-Chair

Diane Adamson
SCGS 1st Vice President
Jamboree 2019 Co-Chair 

Southern California Genealogical Society
417 Irving Drive
Burbank, CA 91504

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