03 May 2019

Join The Jamboree Call For Volunteers!

Host Your Own Party by Being a Room Monitor!

Greet your guests as they show up to hear one of Jamboree's exciting presentations convey interesting and useful genealogical knowledge. Your smile and a warm welcome are what sets Jamboree apart from all other conferences. Be on the lookout for your ancestor's surname - who knows, you may just find your 7th cousin twice removed. Be assured of having a seat and hearing your favorite instructors.

Room Monitor  Signup!

Do you have some expertise that might help someone break through a brick wall? If so consider signing up as a consultant in the Research Assistance room.

Research Assistant Signup!

Guest Greeter (Registration and Check-In), Computer Genius (Tech Zone), Exhibitor Assistant, Piñata (bag) Stuffer, Door Monitor, Sign Setter, Packing & Setup, Birthday Card monitor, Hospitality. And Many, Many More. 

Volunteer positions available Wednesday, May 29th through Sunday, June 2nd!

To register for these additional opportunities email the times you are available and what you would like to do to jamboreevolunteer@scgsgenealogy.com.

Southern California Genealogical Society
50th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree
@scgsgenealogy, #SCGS2019, #SCGSJamboree50,
#SCGSJamboree2019, #SCGSJamboreeBirthdayBash

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