11 May 2019

Jamboree 2019 Genetic Genealogy Live Streaming is Open!

Live Streaming Registration Is Now Open!

Genetic Genealogy 2019

 Includes syllabus materials for all the classes! 

 Can’t watch it Live?  

Watch at your convenience through 
July 31, 2019!

$20.00 - Individual sessions can be viewed for $20.00 each.

$99.00 - The BEST deal! The full day subscription provides access to all five sessions.

Genetic Genealogy Conference Streamed Sessions 
Thursday - May 30, 2019 

8:30 - 9:30
TH005 Convincing Family and Strangers to Test and Why 
Emily D. Aulicino, MEd

10:00 – 11:00 
TH010 DNA ABCs: Getting from “Unknown New Match” to “Known Cousin” 
Blaine T Bettinger, PhD, JD 

11:30 – 12:30 
TH015 Taking Your Use of GEDmatch to the Next Level  
Tim Janzen, MD 

2:00 – 3:00 
TH020 Using DNA and GWorks for Solving Unknown Parentage Cases 
Kitty Munson Cooper 

3:30 – 4:30 
TH025 Finding Missing Persons with DNA Testing 
Diahan Southard 

Payment is made by credit card, debit card or PayPal on the Subscription and Viewing Portal. 

You do not need to be a member of SCGS to view Live Streaming. The Genetic Genealogy Live Streaming program is separate from the Jamboree Live Stream Program and requires a separate subscription. The streaming videos will not be shown on the SCGS website. Live Steaming content will be available through July 31, 2019 Questions? Email registration@webcastandbeyond.com

How Exciting!
Ready To
Click, Here

Southern California Genealogical Society
50th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree
@scgsgenealogy, #SCGS2019, #SCGSJamboree50,
#SCGSJamboree2019, #SCGSJamboreeBirthdayBash

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