31 December 2018

Mondays' Meet The Speakers - Jamboree 2019

Crista Cowan


Crista Cowan has been employed by Ancestry since 2004; her involvement in family history, however, reaches all the way back to childhood. From being parked under a microfilm reader at the Family History Library in her baby carrier to her current career as a professional genealogist, Crista has spent thousands of hours discovering, documenting and telling family stories. She is known as the Barefoot Genealogist and has a weekly YouTube show designed to help people discover their family history.


Melinda Yamane Crawford

Melinda Yamane Crawford is a Southern California native and a UCSB employee for the last 18 years. She has been conducting family history research since 2002. She currently serves as a volunteer librarian at the Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society's Sahyun Library and is one of the co-founders of the Nikkei Genealogical Society (www.facebook.com/nikkeigen).


Schelly Talalay Dardashti

Journalist and genealogist Schelly Talalay Dardashti, the US Genealogy Advisor for MyHeritage, has traced her family across Spain, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania and Iran for some 30 years. The former Jerusalem Post genealogy columnist and award-winning pioneer Jewish geneablogger created “Tracing the Tribe – Jewish Genealogy on Facebook" (26,000+ members), and has written for FamilyTree Magazine, NGS Quarterly, JTA and others. She co-administers two DNA projects at FTDNA.


David Dowell, PhD

David Dowell, PhD, was a librarian for 35 years and a special investigative officer in the USAF for 4 years and has two degrees in history and two in library science. He has researched family histories since the 1960s. His most recent books are NextGen Genealogy: The DNA Connection (2015) and Crash Course in Genealogy (2011). Previously he taught “Genealogy Research” and “Ethics in the Information Age” at Cuesta College and chaired the Genealogy Committee and the Ethics Committee of the American Library Association. He blogs as “Dr. D Digs Up Ancestors” at http://blog.ddowell.com and coordinates three DNA projects.


Southern California Genealogical Society
50th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree
#SCGS2019 @scgsgenealogy, #SCGSJamboree50,
#SCGSJamboree2019, #SCGSJamboreeBirthdayBash

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