08 December 2018

Announcing the 2019 Jamboree Webinar Extension Series!

Announcing the 2019 Jamboree 
Webinar Extension Series!

Computer, tablet or, smartphone...You can access webinars!
Join us in our live webinars!  Join SCGS to access ALL webinars!

And the Speakers are....

  • Lisa Alzo, MFA: Make Those Skeletons Dance: Exploring Your Family’s Dark Side.    Saturday, January 5, 10:00 AM Pacific 
  • Jean Wilcox Hibben, PhD.: Pandemics & Epidemics: Issues of Politics, Economy, and   Religion. Wednesday, January 16,  6:00 PM Pacific 
  • Paul Woodbury: Looks Like We're Cousins - Tips for Genetic Genealogy Collaboration.   Saturday, February 2,  10:00 AM Pacific 
  • Tessa Keough: Is Your One-Place Study at a Distance? No Worries with the Internet. Wednesday, February 20,  6:00 PM Pacific 
  • Donna M. Moughty: Irish Research - What's New. Saturday, March 2,  10:00 AM Pacific 
  • Thomas MacEntee: One Touch Genealogy Research: How to Handle a Record Just Once.   Wednesday, March 20,  6:00 PM  Pacific 
  • Karen Burney: US Colored Troops and their Civil War Service.  Saturday, April 6, 10:00 AM Pacific 
  • Debra M. Dudek, MSc: Tracing Female Ancestors in WWI Military and Non-Combatant Records. Wednesday, April 17,  6:00 PM Pacific
  • Rick Crume:  British Genealogy Online: The Top English & Welsh Family History Websites.  Saturday, May 4, 10:00 AM Pacific 
  • Annette Burke Lyttle: The Marriage of the  Waters: The Erie Canal and the Opening of the Midwest.  Wednesday, May 15,  6:00 PM Pacific 
  • Janet Hovorka: Heirloom, Documentation or Junk: What to Keep and What To Toss.  Wednesday, June 19,  6:00 PM Pacific  
  • Shannon S. Christmas, MCP: More Power:  Genetic Genealogy Apps and Extensions. Wednesday, July 17,  6:00 PM Pacific 
  • Paula Stuart-Warren, CG®, FMGS, FUGA: Successful Railroad Records Research in Today’s World.   Saturday, August 3, 10:00 AM Pacific 
  • Amy Johnson Crow, MLIS, CG®:  How Do I Know That's My Ancestor? Wednesday, August 21,  6:00 PM Pacific 
  • Melissa Barker: The Home Archivist: Preserving Family Records Like a Pro!  Saturday, September 7,  10:00 AM Pacific 
  • Michael John Neill: More than a Bouquet of Flowers: Increasing your Chance at the Courthouse. Wednesday, September 18. 6:00 PM Pacific
  • Daniel Horowitz:  So You Really Want to Research Your Jewish Ancestors? Saturday, October 5, 10:00 AM Pacific 
  • Peggy Clemens Lauritzen, AG®, FOGS:  Faith of Our Fathers: United States Church Records.  Wednesday, October 16, 6:00 PM Pacific 
  • Kathryn Lake Hogan, UE, PLCGS: Mastering the Library and Archives Canada Website. Saturday, November 2, 10:00 AM Pacific 
  • Seema Kenney: Immigration & Naturalization.  Wednesday, November 20, 6:00 PM Pacific 
  • Julie  Goucher:  European Surnames and How They Can Help in Genealogical Research.  Saturday, December 7, 10:00 AM Pacific 
  • Michelle Tucker Chubenko: Post-WWII Immigration: U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Digital Resources.  Wednesday, December 18, 6:00 PM Pacific 

2019 Webinar Calendar Times
         1st Saturdays                                   3rd Wednesdays
        10:00 AM Pacific                           6:00 PM Pacific
            11:00 AM Mountain                      7:00 PM Mountain
        12:00 PM Central                           8:00 PM Central
         1:00 PM Eastern                          9:00 PM Eastern

Southern California Genealogy Society 
417 Irving Dr.
Burbank, CA 91054-2408
Email: webinar@scgsgenealogy.com

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