22 April 2015

Jamboree 2015 - Meet the Speakers: Paul Woodbury

Paul Woodbury first developed an interest in family history when he was 8 years old. His grandparents gave him a family history binder for Christmas and from that moment forward his parents could not keep him out of the family records. In 2006 the television series African American Lives and its use of genetic genealogy captured his attention and he decided that he wanted to pursue a professional career as a genetic genealogist.

Paul recently graduated from Brigham Young University where he received his B.S. in Genetics and Biotechnology while minoring in Family History. During his time there he worked for three years as a lab assistant in the BYU Family History Lab, where he taught daily classes to thousands of students. He also participated in a family history study abroad where he toured and researched 20 archives in France, Spain, Italy and the Vatican.

Paul has presented on a variety of topics at local, regional, and international famly history conferences. Paul currently works with genetic genealogists CeCe Moore and Angie Bush as part of the "DNA Detectives" team. He also takes his own clients in French, Spanish, and Scandinavian research. He is last year's recipient of the Suzanne Winsor Freeman Memorial Student Genealogy Grant.

Outside of genealogy, Paul runs his own balloon entertaining business.  He also enjoys cooking, skiing, singing and dancing.

FR019 Friday June 5, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Genetic Genealogy and the Next Generation
Introduction to Genetic Genealogy for Youth and the role that DNA will play in the future of family history.

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