30 April 2015

Jamboree 2015 - Meet the Speaker: Nicka J. Smith

Nicka Smith is a professional photographer, speaker, and documentarian with more than 14 years of experience as a genealogist. She has extensive experience in African-ancestored genealogy, reverse genealogy, and family reunion planning and execution. She is also an expert in genealogical research in the Northeastern Louisiana area, sharing genealogy with youth, documenting the ancestral journey, and employing the use of new technology in genealogy and family history research.

Nicka has diverse and varied experience in communications, with a background in publications, editing, graphic design, radio, and video production. She has edited and designed several volumes of family history that include narratives, photos, and genealogical information and has also transferred these things to an online environment.

Nicka is a board member of the California Genealogical Society (CGS) and the African American Genealogical Society of Northern California (AAGSNC), and former project manager for the Alameda County, CA Youth Ancestral Project where more than 325 youth have been taught the value of family history. Nicka is also the family historian and lead researcher for the Atlas family of Lake Providence, East Carroll, Louisiana.

FRG-01 Friday June 5, 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
Panel: Reaching Out and Reaching In
This panel session will focus on developing an inclusive multi-cultural genealogical society. Presented with Bernice Bennett, Shelley Murphy, and Angela Walton-Raji.

FR021 Friday June 5, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Tracing Slave and Slaveowner Ancestors with DNA and Genealogy
The history of slavery in America has made our DNA a complex cultural stew. In this session, learn to combine traditional genealogy and DNA research to confirm or deny slave, slaveholder, and ancestral ties to one of history's most peculiar institutions.

SA037 Saturday June 6, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Going, Leaving: African American Genealogy and The Great Migration
They were called by better jobs, better opportunities, and really, they wanted to make a better us. Learn why one of the biggest migrations ever is hardly ever talked about and how to successfully document your ancestors who participated in it.

SU016 Sunday June 7, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Publishing to Leave a Legacy: Inspiring Examples in Genealogy Storytelling
Want to publish your genealogy research as a legacy for future generations? Learn how these writers made it happen. Their stories reveal the challenges, mistakes and lessons learned from writing and publishing their legacy. Panel with Bernice Bennett, Michael N. Henderson, Anita Paul, and Angela Walton-Raji.

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