25 April 2015

Jamboree 2015 - Meet the Speaker: Angie Bush, MS.

Angie Bush, MS (Biotechnology), BS (Molecular Biology), is the Director of Region 1 for the National Genealogical Society. She is a professional genetic genealogist and has been researching her own family since she was eight years old. Between obtaining her bachelors and masters degrees, she spent several years working in the biotech industry where she gained an in-depth knowledge of the technologies used in DNA testing. She co-coordinated the Advanced DNA course for the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy in January with CeCe Moore, and has presented at several other national conferences over the past year.

Angie is a moderator on the ISOGG Facebook page and co-moderates the DNA Newbie board. She has helped many adoptees to find their biological family through autosomal DNA testing and is particularly focused on using DNA as a genealogical record to reconstruct relationships and break down brick walls - whether they are recent or several hundred years old. She regularly provides advice regarding genetic genealogy to other genealogists in the Salt Lake City area where she lives with her husband and two descendants.

TH002 Thursday June 4, 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
The ABCs and 123s of Genetic Genealogy
DNA testing may seem complicated, but it is as simple as ABC and 123. Learn about the 3 tests, 3 companies, 3 parts to your results, and the exciting discoveries that can be made from your DNA.

TH021 Thursday June 4, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Finding Arthur: WWII GIs and their Impact
Many children were born during and after WWII. Some know their biological heritage, and others don't. Learn about the social impacts of this war and how DNA testing is helping families to reconnect.

TH014* Thursday June 4, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Trump Cards, Magic Bullets and DNA
DNA usually provides evidence of a biological relationship. There are times when the interpretation of this evidence may be suspect. Learn how to properly interpret DNA results as part of the Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS). *Course numbers out of sequence.

FR003 Friday June 5, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
The Seven Deadly Assumptions
Genealogists must often make assumptions to further their research. Those assumptions may result in our research efforts being stymied. Learn about common assumptions to avoid.

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