27 March 2015

Jamboree 2015 - Meet the Headliner: Dr. Michael D. Lacopo

Dr. Michael Lacopo was born and raised in Northern Indiana surrounded by extended family always willing to tell tall tales. Intrigued by these, he took to genealogical research in 1980 to substantiate these family stories. Combing libraries, archives, cemeteries, and courthouses as a teenager, Michael gained the skills needed to become a keen researcher. His first major research challenge undertaken in 1982 was to locate the birthparents of his mother, who was adopted as an infant. You can read about this adventure at his blog Roots4U.blogspot.com with some engaging story-telling, plot twists and new findings!

Michael completed his doctorate in veterinary medicine in 1991. As befitting a doctor, he treats his genealogical research as he would medicine - carefully, methodically and completely. In 2013 Michael retired from his medical career to pursue genealogical research full-time as a profession. He has contributed to numerous periodicals and has helped numerous people in their quests to locate their relatives - living and dead. His national lecturing began in 2004, and has continued with several local, state, national, and international conference speaking engagements to this present day. He believes that as genealogists we should tell the tales of our ancestors and is a vocal proponent for learning the social history that interweaves our ancestors into the fabric of the past.

FR022 Friday June 5, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Methods for Identifying the German Origins of American Immigrants
If all you know from conventional records is "Germany" as a place of origin, then this lecture will help you mine other resources to locate WHERE in Germany your ancestor came from.

FR032 Friday June 5, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Finding and Utilizing German Church Records
Many of us have German-speaking European ancestors but are afraid to tackle the next steps across the Atlantic. Your lecturer will show examples of German church records, how to decipher them and how to overcome the fear of German script.

SA026 Saturday June 6, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 
Magnificent, Magical, Mesmerizing Manuscript Collections!
These types of records form an enormous part of most archival collections, yet most genealogists grossly underutilize them. This lecture will help you locate them, understand what information they can yield and use them to break down brick walls!

SA053 Saturday June 6,  7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Saturday Banquet
Hoosier Daddy LIVE!
The online community begs for each new installment of his blog, "Hoosier Daddy," which relates the compelling story of the search for his past. His engaging storytelling skill and infuriating cliffhangers have moved his blog to the top of the "must read" list. Before you hear the story first hand from Michael, do yourself a favor. Read his blog in advance, and be sure to start with the first post.

SU032 Sunday June 7, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Incorporating Social History into Your Genealogical Research
Family history should be more than names and dates. What motivated our ancestors? Why did they migrate? Who did they interact with? How do social customs of another era affect our research? Social history and its bearing on genealogical research will be covered, as well as a discussion on why it is so necessary to bringing our ancestors to life.

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