04 March 2015

Genealogy Jamboree - Special Event Meals

The Jamboree Committee proudly announces the special event meals that will be held during this year's Genetic Genealogy: DNA Day Plus! and Genealogy Jamboree.

The Jamboree breakfasts and banquets and the DNA luncheon require special registration and an additional fee. Menus will be posted online. Please let us know if you need a vegetarian meal.

If you have already registered for Jamboree, you can add meals to your order at any time through the online shopping cart or by filling out the registration form. Here is a link to purchase meals online through the shopping cart

Early-bird registration closes on 30 April, 2015. Discounts are also available for SCGS members.

Genetic Genealogy: DNA Day Plus! - June 4, 2015 
Thursday Luncheon - 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Chris Schauble, KTLA Morning News Anchor and Adoptee.
"Family Found!” An adopted multi-ethnic TV newsman delves into his DNA and discovers his biological family.

Friday Banquet - 7:30 p.m.
Thomas W. Jones, PhD, CG, CGL, FASG, FUGA, FNGS
“How Genealogy Hasn't Changed in the Past Fifty Years” - A lighthearted look back at personal research since the 1960s and its lessons for today. Tom Jones is an award-winning genealogical author, editor, educator, and researcher who is board certified. He focuses on genealogical methods and solutions to challenging research problems. Jamboree attendees are indeed fortunate to hear one of the world’s leading genealogists and an exceptional speaker.

Saturday Breakfast - 7:00 a.m.
Suzanne Winsor Freeman Memorial Student Genealogy Grant
Sheila Benedict - “California Historic Missions.” 
There are twenty-one historic California Missions. Their records are invaluable to assist locating pioneer, Spanish, and Mexican surnames and the records archived in these Missions. Sheila is the part-time archivist at Old Mission Santa Inés and is self-employed as a forensic and family genealogist.

Saturday Banquet - 7:00 p.m.
Dr. Michael D. Lacopo - “Hoosier Daddy - LIVE!”
Michael Lacopo, a veterinarian turned professional genealogist, keeps the online community begging for each new installment of his blog, “Hoosier Daddy,” which relates the compelling story of the search for his past. His engaging storytelling skill and infuriating cliffhangers have moved his blog to the top of the “must read” list. Before you hear the story first hand from Michael, do yourself a favor. Read his blog in advance and be sure to start with the first post http://roots4u.blogspot.com/2014/02/in-beginning.html.

Sunday Breakfast - 7:00 a.m.
Alice Kane - “Start Your Day Fresh with Essential Research Skills”
Whether a newbie or advanced researcher, a review of the basics may spark a new idea or recall an open to-do item. Wake your body with breakfast and your mind with research techniques. Alice Kane, a Chinese American native Bostonian, assists NEHGS researchers in using available resources and in learning research strategies to find elusive ancestors. Sponsored by American Ancestors at New England Historic Genealogical Society.

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