04 May 2014

Jamboree - What if My Tie-Dye Shirt Doesn't Fit?!?

Sunday is "Dress Like the 60s" Day at Jamboree, and we hope to see a visual explosion of tie-dye. We'll have a photo booth on Sunday at lunch to help you document your trip back in time, and I hope we can get a group photo as well. Meet in the Pavilion and cheer for your favorite Janis Joplin, G.I. Joe or Mad Man.

In case your vintage tee has (a) faded or (b) succumbed in a fatal laundry accident or (c) doesn't fit because it, uh, shrank, never fear.

If you aren't skilled in the fine art of tie-dying like they were back in the olden days, there are still lots of places where you can get a tie-dye shirt for Sunday. Here are just a few that I found. I don't endorse any of these in particular and I'm sure there are lots of others. 

Amazon.com - http://tinyurl.com/o5syl5e
eBay - http://tinyurl.com/oxj6uwj
etsy - http://tinyurl.com/pndaxgb
Google - http://tinyurl.com/o8obyge

Yeah, that's it. Shrank.

1 comment:

  1. Boy, some entrepreneur genealogist could make a pretty penny selling a case of tie-died shirts on Sunday at Jamboree. Maybe for a good cause like "Preserve the Pensions?" or for the scholarship fund?
