08 May 2014

Jamboree - Calling All Volunteers! We Need Your Help!

Click Image to Sign Up to Volunteer
If you've ever been involved in planning a one-day seminar, or a wedding, a family reunion or a multi-day genealogical event, you know that the month leading up to the event is (a) crazy hectic and (b) critical to the success of the event.

We are just a month away from Jamboree, and this is the time that we sound the alarm.   

We need your help.

We need to fill over 400 time slots that make up just a portion of the 1300 volunteer hours that are needed.

Yes, you read that correctly. 1300 hours of volunteer time. That's what is required to monitor the sessions, break down the boxes, set up the easels and signs, collect the meal tickets, fill the helium balloons for the party, and do the dozens of little jobs that add up to a huge effort.

On Saturday, May 10, members of the SCGS Board of Directors and Jamboree Committee will hit the phones in an attempt to speak with everyone who has registered DNA and/or Jamboree. If you're not home when we call, we'll leave a voicemail message. We won't take up a lot of your time but will be glad to answer any questions while you have us on the phone.

Last year's Volunteer Blitz was very successful and resulted in hundreds of new volunteers who contributed time. We were thrilled that all types of people stepped forward to help: first-time attendees as well as long-time members of the Jamboree family; nonmembers as well as members; local residents as well as those who are coming from hundreds of miles away. No matter how long you've been doing genealogy, no matter where you live, no matter whether you're a member or not. We need you!

What's in it for you?

1. Room monitors are guaranteed a seat in even the most popular sessions.
2. You get to meet lots of new people and get a behind-the-scenes look at one of the largest genealogical conferences in North America.
3. For each four-hour shift, volunteers will receive a coupon for $5 toward lunch in the concession area.
4. Volunteers will receive a free ticket to the New Year's Eve Party on Saturday, June 7.
5. You make a deposit in the genealogy karma bank.

If you're really eager to participate, you don't have to wait for us to call. You can sign up today and get your pick of sessions and time slots. Here's how:

Room Monitor or Door Monitor

1. Review the class schedule and make a list the sessions that you want to monitor.
2. Go to the Sign-up pages and register by giving us your name, email, phone number and, if you have one, your text message number. We won't use it unless we have to, promise.

3. Check out all of the available slots and click on "I'll be there" button to stake your claim.

Other Volunteer Tasks

1. Review the task descriptions and see which jobs you would like to do. Some take muscle, some take computer skills, some require standing, others take little physical effort.

2. Go to the Sign-up pages. If you have already registered, start checking out the tasks and choose the ones that fit your skills and your time schedule.

The Rules

We have only a couple of rules:

1. Room monitors must be paid attendees. For example, room monitors for the Family History and DNA conference must be registered for Thursday's event.

2. We are counting on your help. If you sign up for a session, please follow through. You can always change your mind and ~un-sign-up~ for that slot ahead of time.

How many hours will you contribute toward the success of the Family History and DNA: Genetic Genealogy in 2013 and the 45th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree?

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