23 April 2014

Jamboree - Meet the Speakers: Paula Stuart-Warren CG, FMGS, FUGA

Paula is a board-certified genealogist working full-time in genealogical and historical research, lecturing, consulting, and writing. Paula has researched at the National Archives (multiple locations), Family History Library, Minnesota Historical Society, Wisconsin Historical Society, DAR Library, and many other repositories across the U.S. Since 1997 she has been a Course Coordinator for the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy, coordinates a Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh course, lectures at National Genealogical Society and Federation of Genealogical Societies conferences, and in many states and Canada.

A former officer of the Association of Professional Genealogists and former board member of the Minnesota Genealogical Society, she is past President of the Northland Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists, a former officer of APG, a member of the Board of Directors of the Federation of Genealogical Societies, and was co-chair of the August 2013 FGS Conference being held in Fort Wayne. She has written for Ancestry Magazine, FGS FORUM, NGS Magazine, New England Ancestors, Minnesota Genealogist, findmypast.com, and her blog, Paula’s Genealogical Eclectica. Her articles and lectures focus on unusual resources, manuscripts, methodology, analyzing records, Midwest, and Native Americans. She is descended from eight ancestral countries and has connections to many U.S. states and Canadian provinces. Part of her family settled in the Los Angeles area in the early 1900s.

Paula is an award-winning family historian who loves to interact with her audiences, and is a energetic, yet clear and concise speaker with a bit of added humor. Her syllabus material assists you both during and after the presentations.

FR027 Friday June 6, 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Manuscript Finding Aids: Locating Migrating Family Records

Where are ancestral family Bibles, scrapbooks, business records, photos, and other manuscripts? Learn about specialized finding aids, searchable databases and other resources to locate them.

SA006 Saturday June 7, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Research Reports for Ourselves: More than a Research Log

Isn’t the research on our own families important? Learn the reasons, mechanics, and methodology of reporting to ourselves on what we checked, where it was, indexed or not, microfilmed or original, and the results. It’s a good habit!

SU013 Sunday June 8, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
What Next? Hands-On Research Planning

Analysis, recognition of detail gaps, and the creation of research goals form the basis for excellence in our quest. Success improves with careful planning, small group discussion, and proven techniques to develop step-by-step research plans.

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