04 March 2014

Jamboree Special Event: New Year's Eve Party Saturday, June 7

To close out the 50th Anniversary celebration with a flourish and launch the second 50 years of SCGS, the Jamboree Committee will host a party Saturday evening to "Ring out the Old and Ring in the New." The event recognizes the hundreds of volunteers who have fueled the success of the Southern California Genealogical Society and Jamboree over the decades.

To be more specific, we are holding a New Year’s Eve Party at Jamboree. Yes, it’s a New Year’s Eve party on Saturday, June 7, 2014, from 9pm to 11pm*, immediately after the Saturday evening banquet. We will have a no-host adult beverage bar and a dessert bar, a photo booth, music and a few surprises.

Myers, Hinkel, Hilb,VanTour
The event will also mark the transfer in leadership of the Southern California Genealogy Jamboree.  For the past several years, Jamboree has been led by a dedicated, hard-working group of volunteers led by Leo Myers, Jamboree Chair, Paula Hinkel, Jamboree Co-Chair, and Vicki Hilb, Program Chair. It was with mixed emotions that Leo, Paula, and Vicki announced their retirement from Jamboree earlier this year. Volunteer chair Jane Van Tour will oversee the concierge activity in 2014 and then she, too, will be also seeking other volunteer duties in 2015. They all are looking forward to attending Jamboree and getting back to working on their own family research.

Randall, Ramsey, Harding, Pruitt
The 2015+ Jamboree team is in place and has been working with the current committee to ensure a smooth transition. Barbara M. Randall has stepped up into the role of Chair. Supporting Barb will be Judi Ramsey, Program Chair; Priscilla Pruitt, Exhibitors Chair; and Lise Harding, Volunteer Chair. They bring conference experience, a fresh outlook and lots of new ideas. We look forward to the many contributions they will bring, and we are confident they are going to carry on the tradition of excellence that Jamboree has earned over the past 45 years.

Please join us in celebrating the ongoing success of the Southern California Genealogical Society and recognize the thousands of hours of volunteer contributions that have created that success. Count down to 11pm*, welcome the new Jamboree leadership, and help take the old team out in style.

FREE for SCGS members
- RSVP required through the SCGS website shopping cart or by phone
- Tickets will be included in your Jamboree registration envelope

FREE for Jamboree volunteers for SCGS Nonmembers
- Judi and Lise will distribute tickets

FREE for guests attending the Saturday evening banquet

- Tickets will be included in your Jamboree registration envelope

EVERYONE ELSE is welcome for $20 before May 1; $25 until May 24.
- Tickets will be included in your Jamboree registration envelope

Tickets will not be available at the door.

*Our New Year’s Eve celebration will end at 11pm. 
Some of us are not allowed to stay out until midnight.

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