01 March 2014

Jamboree: Share Your Recollection of the 1960s for a Chance to Win A Jamboree 2015 Registration

SCGS is celebrating the 50th Anniversary of its founding which took place on January 10, 1964. To help commemorate our anniversary, we are asking you to share a memory of the 1960s.

We talk about the need to record the stories of our life that can be passed to our descendants. But how many of us really take the time to jot down those remembrances? The 2014 Southern California Genealogy Jamboree offers an opportunity to do just that.

The saying goes that if you remember the 60s, you weren’t really there.  Pshaw, folderol and hooey.  We all have - or we have family members who have - memories of the 60s.  If you weren’t around that long ago, maybe you discovered your parents’ $4 concert ticket stub or trick-or-treated in their faded tie-dye, dressed as a hippie.

If you wish, you can interview a family member and share their memory. It's your family's history that we want to record.

The 1960s provide a rich tapestry of topics. Whether your memory is of an intimate detail of special day, or a reaction to a world event, or a snapshot of school, work, family, music, holiday, or other slice of life, write it. 

Why should you participate in this activity? Imagine your great-granddaughter reading about your first date. Or your grandson’s delight at reading about the time you dented dad’s new car. See their face, hear their laughter. That’s why.

Oh, and one submission will be selected at random to receive a free registration to the 2015 Southern California Genealogy Jamboree.
Here are the instructions:
  1. Entries are limited to registered attendees of the 2014 Southern California Genealogy Jamboree attendees and/or members of the Southern California Genealogical Society.
  2. Please keep your entries to 400 words or less. It can be as short as a couple of sentences.
  3. Email entries to flashback1960@scgsgenealogy.com. Put the content directly into the email; no attachments please. Your subject line should read “Flashback 1960 - .”
  4. Include your Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone number, and email address at the bottom of the email.
  5. Any research used in the submission must be supported by end note citations. For guidelines on citation style, see Evidence, Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian, by Elizabeth Shown Mills (Genealogical Publishing Co.). End notes are not included in the word count.
  6. Entries will be posted online and displayed at Jamboree.  Entrants grant SCGS the one-time right to publish their memory in the SCGS journal The Searcher; and/or the SCGS website; and/or the Jamboree app, and/or displayed in electronic or print form at Jamboree. You retain the copyright to your work. 
  7. The winner will be announced on Friday, June 6, at the banquet. Since there was no date specified in The Searcher article, submissions will be accepted through Friday noon, June 6.

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